Tapping Into YouTube Search Traffic
If you’re looking for free, organic traffic, you’ll want to rank high in the search engines. But one thing many marketers overlook is the fact that YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world.
Next to Google, it’s one of the best ways to generate traffic that won’t cost you a penny.People love watching videos – sometimes more than they love getting information from text.
You can find videos on YouTube in just about every niche online. This is a great place for you to generate a following and send traffic to your blog and product offers.When it comes to video creation, many people are intimidated at the thought of putting themselves out there.
But you don’t have to record yourself on screen unless you want to.You can use a simple screen capture tool such as Camtasia or Camstudio to capture the screen and record a PowerPoint presentation or other items as you talk in the background.
When you make your videos, they don’t have to be long, drawn out presentations.Most consumers prefer bite sized information instead. That means keeping your videos between 3 to 5 minutes in length.
You may have too much to say in that short of a time span. If this is the case, then you can create a series of bite-size videos that cover the span of one larger topic.Make sure you brand your videos with a URL that links back to your site.
In addition to the wording on the screen, you also want to verbally invite your viewers back to your website by mentioning the domain name.Instead of just telling someone to visit your website, you can encourage them to go to the site for a free download offer.

Send them to your landing page and get them on your list so that later, you can funnel them to your products, affiliate offers, and blog posts.YouTube videos come in handy because they don’t simply stay on that site.
You can embed them into your blog post and allow others to do the same. Many of your competitors will grab your video to embed into their own blog posts, giving you free traffic.
You can also share the links on social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook. When people watch and enjoy your content, and their friends and family members see it on their accounts, they can then share it with others and the video you produced will go viral.