List Building Tutorial Videos

This List building training series is aimed at intermediate Internet Marketers who already have a running website and may want to setup a list building campaign to drive more sales.


Learn the art of modern List Building using up-to-date tools and techniques in a speedy manner. Choose highly profitable niches and layout the foundation for your online marketing success. Learn how to setup Your Lead Capturing Program and use unfair OTO’s to drive crazy opt-ins into your email list.

List Building Tutorial Videos

Video 1. Why You Need To Build A List
Video 2. The Modern Day Tools You Will Want
Video 3. The Perfect Sales Funnel to Suck Up The Cash
Video 4. Choosing The Best Niches To Enter
Video 5. Laying The Foundation (Your Free Offer)
Video 6. Setting Up Your Lead Capture Unit
Video 7. Crafting A Killer OTO
Video 8. Adding A High Dollar Upsell
Video 9. Setting Up Your Auto-Responder
Video 10. Traffic Getting Methods That Give You almost Instant Traffic


List Building Tutorial - Video Training Course